Preparing For Your Cavapoo Puppy – 11 Tips For Success

Are you preparing to welcome a furry bundle of joy into your home?
Are you eagerly anticipating the arrival of your Cavapoo puppy?
If so, congratulations!
Preparing for your Cavapoo puppy can be an exciting and heartwarming experience, but it can also be overwhelming.
You want to make sure that you have everything you need to provide your new pet with a safe, healthy, and happy home.
From choosing the right breeder to training and socialization, dietary needs, and more, there are many aspects of preparing for your Cavapoo puppy’s arrival that you need to consider.
Don’t worry though, in this comprehensive guide, I’ll take you through every step of the process, providing you with expert advice and tips to ensure that you are fully prepared to welcome your new puppy into your home.
So, let’s get started!
Preparing For Your Cavapoo Puppy
Once you and your family have decided that a Cavapoo is the breed of dog that everyone wants, then the preparation and process begins.
Choosing the Right Breeder
The most important decision you will need to make when preparing for your Cavapoo puppy’s arrival is choosing the right breeder.
A reputable breeder will ensure that your puppy is healthy, well-socialized, and has been raised in a loving environment.
You should always do your research and avoid puppy mills or backyard breeders.
Look for breeders who have good reviews from previous customers.
You should also visit the breeder’s facility to ensure that it is clean, and well-maintained and that the puppies are healthy and happy.
Preparing Your Home
Before your puppy arrives, you will need to make sure that your home is safe and comfortable for them.
This means puppy-proofing your home by removing any potential hazards, such as toxic plants or chemicals, and securing any loose items that could be chewed on or swallowed.
Look for exposed extension cords or any other sort of electrical cable.
Either cover them with something (I used a box which I stuck down) or remove them completely.
Get on your hands and knees and crawl through the area where you plan to keep your puppy.
You will be surprised at how different the space looks from that angle and what dangerous items are exposed to your puppy.
I even went so far as to remove the loose carpet in the lounge as I knew the puppy would have accidents and it just makes cleaning up so much easier.
Place all plants and items like remotes or cell phone chargers on top of high tables or counters so they are out of reach and cannot be destroyed or swallowed.
If you have children then buy a toy box that can be closed so that they can store their toys in a safe place.
Leaving toys lying around will not only invite your puppy to chew on them but they also run the risk of swallowing them and causing an obstruction that will need to be surgically removed.
Check for any object that could be easily tipped over and either fasten it down or remove it.
For example, a puppy playing behind a loose mirror can cause it to fall on them.
If you have a swimming pool, ensure it is safely fenced off and has a fine net that covers it completely.
The holes must be small enough not to allow the puppy to push its head through the gaps.
Small puppies can easily fall into swimming pools and end up drowning.
Lastly, if your front door does not open up to a secure area, consider buying a baby gate to prevent the puppy from running out and being run over.
Buy one where the vertical bars are close together so your puppy does not get its head stuck.

Supplies Your Cavapoo Puppy Will Need
There are some essentials that your new puppy will need.
Stuff like bowls, beds, leashes, and a harness are required.
I highly recommend buying either a crate or a playpen that you can use to keep your puppy safe when unsupervised.
They can be a great help with potty training while allowing your puppy a safe place to sleep without people worrying them.
I have some great recommendations that you can consider.
Where Your Puppy Will Sleep
Before you bring your puppy home, decide where you plan on letting it sleep.
If you are wanting the puppy to sleep on your or your children’s bed, I suggest first containing them in a crate or playpen until potty trained.
You can place them right next to the bed so the puppy can see you or your child and they won’t be able to run around and get up to mischief.
Believe me, it is not pleasant to step on doggy poop or pee in the middle of the night when you need to go to the bathroom!
Nor do you want to wake up to a mess on the bed.
Once they are potty trained then it should be safe for them to sleep on the bed.
If you are not keen on having the puppy in a bedroom, then decide where in the house they will sleep.
A crate, playpen, or baby gates will keep them contained.
Just keep in mind that Cavapoos’ are very people orientated and you might struggle to get them to sleep alone.
They adjust and cry a lot less if they can see and hear you.

Assign Roles and Teach Respect
If you are a family, then sit everyone down and discuss who will do what with the puppy.
If your children are too young then obviously all responsibility will fall on you as the parent.
Otherwise, owning a dog can teach your children responsibility and how to look after and treat an animal.
Who will feed him?
Who will take him out to potty?
Who will clean up the poop?
With whom will he sleep?
Who will walk him?
Who is responsible for making sure there is always fresh water?
Make sure everyone knows what role they will play in the puppy’s life.
But the onus is on you as the adult to ensure that your puppy is fed and has fresh water available at all times.
So, keep an eye on things and make sure the puppy is well cared for.
Also, discuss what the puppy will be allowed to do and what will not be acceptable.
For example – will the puppy be allowed on the couch?
Will the puppy be allowed on the beds?
Discuss what the parameters will be so that everyone knows the boundaries and expectations.
Lastly, talk about how to treat the puppy.
Let the kids know to leave him alone when he is sleeping or eating.
Teach them not to tease the puppy or pull on its ears.
Show them how to be gentle with the puppy and how to hold him correctly so they don’t hurt him.
Tell them that under no circumstance can they hit or kick the puppy.
Teach them to be kind and caring towards the puppy.
Dietary Needs
Start by feeding your puppy the same food that the breeder is feeding it.
So, when you speak to the breeder make sure you ask them what food they are feeding the puppies.
Leave them on this food for a few weeks so they can first get over the experience of leaving their mom and siblings without having to also adjust to a different food.
After that, you can then decide whether to keep them on that food or to change over to something else.
Speak to your veterinarian and get their opinion and advice.
If you do change to something else then do it very gradually.
Start by adding a few pellets of the new food to every meal and then gradually increase the amount until your puppy is totally on the new food.
Remember to decrease the original food proportionally as you add the new food so you don’t end up with an obese dog.
Feed 4 small meals a day and as your puppy gets older that can be reduced to 3 meals and then finally two meals a day.
Potty Training
Potty training can be a very challenging aspect when it comes to owning a puppy.
Decide where you would like your puppy to go potty as you must take them to the same spot every time.
I recommend potty training them to go outside but if you live in an apartment then this might not be an option.
Regardless though, decide where the puppy should pee and poop and have a plan of action as to how you are going to do this training.
Take your puppy to this designated area the minute you bring it home.
In the beginning, your puppy will need to go potty at least 3 times during the night.
So, make sure the area is safe and secure for nighttime potty sessions.
There is so much to discuss about potty training that it would be better to read this dedicated post all about how to potty train your puppy.

Socialization and Training
I cannot over-emphasize how important socialization is.
It is crucial in raising a well-adjusted, well-behaved, and confident dog.
A puppy that is never exposed to different situations, environments, dogs, and other people will end up being fearful and reactive.
It is not advisable to allow your puppy to have contact with other dogs until they have been fully vaccinated.
But you can still socialize them during this period.
When my puppies were very young then I took them with me to the shops, to outdoor markets, and even to my workplace.
I carried them the whole time so that no other dog could approach them and they could not pick up any germs by walking around.
I allowed people to pet them and I also carried them into noisy areas and different environments.
Doing this builds your puppy’s confidence and stops them from being scared when in a different situation.
The other aspect of socialization and training is puppy school.
Research puppy schools in your area and book your puppy into classes.
Avoid dog parks at all costs.
The amount of dogs that get attacked in these parks is alarming, to say the least.
Your Cavapoo puppy will not stand a chance against a bigger and more powerful dog.
Puppy schools are a safe environment where your puppy will learn basic commands and interact with other puppies.
Puppies learn the most from the age of 8 weeks to 12 weeks so this is when they will benefit the most from puppy school.
Find out from the school itself what age they accept puppies and what vaccinations your puppy needs before they can attend.

Choose a Veterinarian
Cavapoos are generally healthy dogs, but they may be prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia, ear infections, and dental problems.
It’s important to be aware of the potential health concerns for your puppy’s breed and take preventative measures, such as regular veterinary check-ups and proper dental care.
You should also talk to your vet about any vaccines or preventative medications that may be necessary to keep your puppy healthy.
It is also a good idea to introduce your new puppy to the veterinarian of your choice within a few days of them coming home.
The vet can check for any underlying health problems and can also answer any questions you might have.
Make sure this is a fun outing for your puppy so they associate going to the vet as a positive experience.
Pet Insurance
Treating dogs at a veterinarian can be very expensive and puppies are especially at risk.
Just like a human baby, puppies can get sick until they even out after becoming adults.
Puppies like to explore which can result in them getting hurt or ill.
Also, the veterinarian might pick up on some health issues like luxating patella that will need surgery to fix.
Surgeries like this can cost a lot.
So, at least for the first few years of your dog’s life, I highly recommend that you have some sort of pet insurance to cover all these additional costs.
Pet insurance has saved me thousands of dollars and it can do the same for you.
Bonding with Your Puppy
Bonding with your Cavapoo puppy is an important part of preparing for their arrival.
You should spend plenty of time playing with your puppy, cuddling, and providing them with lots of affection.
It’s important to establish a strong bond with your puppy from the beginning, as this will help them feel secure and loved in their new home.
For this reason, do your best to plan to spend the first two weeks at home with your new puppy.
This will give you both a chance to bond and also help your puppy adjust to the new home and family.
Final Thoughts
As you eagerly await the arrival of your new furry companion, you’re likely feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.
But with our expert guidance, you can put your worries aside and focus on creating a happy home for your Cavapoo puppy.
From choosing the right breeder to preparing your home, training and socialization, dietary needs, and more, we’ve covered everything you need to know to ensure a smooth and successful transition.
With patience, consistency, and lots of love, you and your new puppy will form an unbreakable bond that will bring joy and companionship for years to come.
So get ready to embark on a journey of wagging tails, wet noses, and endless cuddles – the adventure begins now!
Thanks for all the information as I just purchased a cavapoo named Hudson. I’m eagerly awaiting his arrival. I’ve had numerous dogs since I was a kid and each have left me with wonderful memories. He will be my companion and best friend all in one.
I need a list of supplies that are necessary. I know grooming is a big issue with Cavapoos. And is it important to introduce them to grooming early?
Hi Cindy,
You can read this article about what supplies are recommended –
As far as grooming is concerned – yes, introduce them to grooming as soon as possible.
Many groomers do a ‘puppy cut’ which is very basic and quick.They cut just around the eyes, bum and a light trim everywhere else.
This is so that the puppy can get used to grooming.
You can also start at home.
Give your Cavapoo a brush every day and make it enjoyable.
Don’t let your dog play with the brush but have some treats or a toy ready and let them play while you brush.
Great article, helpful and accurate information. We have a cavapoo, she is 14 months old. She is such a delight and joy to us. We adopted her at three months old, and thankfully we introduced her to many different environments and people. Everyone she meets loves her, she couldn’t be friendlier. We are senior citizens and enjoy every moment we have with her. She brings joy and excitement to our lives.