Cavapoo Exercise Needs

A woman walking her cavapoo along the side of the road.

If you’re a proud owner of a Cavapoo, you know how important it is to keep them active, and healthy and to know your dog’s exercise needs.

As a mixed breed, Cavapoos have a moderate activity level and require daily exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. Depending on their age and overall health, adult Cavapoos should get between 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day, while puppies need shorter but more frequent exercise sessions.

Walking, playing fetch, and hiking are great activities to keep your dog active, but mental stimulation is just as important.

Playing hide-and-seek or using puzzle toys can help keep your Cavapoo entertained and mentally stimulated.

Cavapoo Exercise Needs

The typical adult Cavapoo needs 30-60 minutes of exercise daily, while puppies require shorter exercise sessions adjusted according to their age.

A good rule of thumb is five minutes of exercise for every month of the puppy’s age.

Walking is an excellent form of exercise for dogs, and they enjoy exploring their surroundings while on a leash.

Start with short walks and gradually increase the duration and frequency as your puppy grows.

As an adult, your Cavapoo will benefit from longer walks or hikes, playing fetch, or swimming.

You need to ensure that your dog gets enough physical activity to avoid weight gain and destructive behavior due to boredom.

But, overexercising can also be harmful, especially for senior Cavapoos.

Pay attention to your dog’s mobility and lethargy levels to determine the appropriate amount of exercise.

In addition to physical exercise, these dogs also need mental stimulation to prevent boredom and separation anxiety.

Playing hide-and-seek, using a ball launcher, or providing them with three toys to rotate can help keep them entertained.

Consider your Cavapoo’s temperament when planning their exercise routine.

While they have moderate exercise needs, some may have a higher energy level and require more physical activity.

On the other hand, some Cavapoos may have health problems such as hip dysplasia or luxating patella, which may limit their mobility.

Finally, ensure that your Cavapoo’s diet and nutrition support their exercise needs.

Consult with your vet to determine the appropriate diet for your dog’s age and activity level.

Cavapoo running on beach

Factors That Affect Cavapoo Exercise Needs

Here are some key factors to consider when determining how much exercise your Cavapoo needs:

Age and Energy Level

Cavapoos have different exercise needs depending on their age and energy level.

Puppies require less exercise than adult dogs and should not be over-exercised as it can harm their growing bones and joints.

As a general rule, a puppy should get around 5 minutes of exercise per month of age, split into two sessions per day.

Adult Cavapoos, on the other hand, require more exercise to maintain their health and prevent obesity.

An adult dog should get at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day, depending on their energy level and overall health.

Temperament and Training

Cavapoos are known for their friendly and sociable nature, but their temperament can also affect their exercise needs.

Some dogs may be more active and require more exercise, while others may be more laid back and need less.

Training can also play a role in your Cavapoo’s exercise needs.

A well-trained dog may be able to exercise off-leash, which can provide more opportunities for running and playing.

But, if your dog is not well-trained or has a tendency to run off, it may be safer to stick to on-leash exercise.

Health and Nutrition

Your Cavapoo’s overall health and nutrition can also affect their exercise needs.

A healthy dog with a balanced diet will have more energy and be able to exercise more than a dog that is not feeling well or is not getting the right nutrients.

I recommend talking to your vet about your dog’s exercise needs, especially if they have any health issues or are on a special diet.

Your vet can guide you on how much exercise your dog needs and what types of activities are safe for them.

Swimming Cavapoo

Suitable Exercises for Cavapoo Puppies

When it comes to exercising your puppy, it is vital to keep in mind that their bodies are still growing and developing.

Too much exercise can do more harm than good, so you need to find the right balance.

Experts often suggest using the rule-of-thumb of 5 minutes for every month of age up to two times per day.

So for a 4-month-old puppy, 20 minutes of exercise twice a day would be suitable.

Here are some suitable types of exercises for your cavapoo puppy:

Indoor Playtime

Indoor playtime is a great way to keep your puppy entertained and active.

You can play fetch with a soft toy or ball or engage in a game of tug-of-war.

You can also set up an obstacle course using pillows or boxes for your puppy to navigate.

Backyard Playtime

If you have a backyard, you can take advantage of the space to play with your puppy.

Cavapoos are typically good retrievers, making fetch an excellent exercise for them.

Use a soft toy or a ball and throw it for your puppy to retrieve.

This activity allows them to burn off excess energy while engaging in a fun game.

Find a safe and enclosed area to play fetch, such as a fenced yard or a designated dog park.

Avoid hard surfaces that could potentially harm your puppy’s joints.

Start with short distances and gradually increase the throwing distance as your puppy grows.

Short Walks

Short walks are also a great way to get your puppy moving.

You can start with a 10-15 minute walk once a day and gradually increase the duration as your puppy grows.

Use a harness and leash to keep your puppy under control and ensure their safety.

Be mindful of the temperature, especially during hot weather, as cavapoos can be sensitive to heat.

Bring water along to keep them hydrated during the walk.

How much exercise does a cavapoo need

Basic Training

Incorporating basic training exercises into your puppy’s routine is not only mentally stimulating but also helps establish a strong bond between you and your Cavapoo.

Teach them commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel through positive reinforcement training methods.

Keep training sessions short and fun, preferably 5-10 minutes at a time, to prevent your puppy from getting bored or overwhelmed.

Use rewards like treats or praise to reinforce positive behavior.

Be patient and consistent in your training efforts.

Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for your Cavapoo puppy.

You can use puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys to keep your puppy entertained and engaged.

You can also teach your puppy new tricks or commands to challenge their mind.

Remember to always monitor your puppy’s behavior during exercise and adjust accordingly.

Keep your puppy’s safety and well-being in mind at all times.

Suitable Exercises for Adult Cavapoos

When it comes to exercising your adult Cavapoo, remember that every dog is different.

While some dogs may enjoy running and playing fetch, others may prefer a more leisurely stroll around the block.

Here are some suitable exercises you can try with your adult Cavapoo:

Daily Walks

Taking your adult Cavapoo for daily walks is a fundamental exercise for maintaining their overall well-being.

Aim for at least 30-60 minutes of brisk walking per day, divided into multiple sessions.

This exercise helps burn energy, keeps joints mobile, and provides mental stimulation.

Choose appropriate walking surfaces to protect their paw pads.

Be mindful of the temperature, especially during hot weather as a dog’s paws can get badly burnt if they are walking on a hot surface.

Jogging or Running

If you enjoy jogging or running, your adult Cavapoo can make a great exercise companion.

They have the endurance to keep up with a moderate-paced run.

Start with shorter distances and gradually increase as your dog builds stamina.

Ensure your dog is physically mature and fully developed before engaging in jogging or running activities to avoid potential joint problems.

Use a sturdy leash and harness to maintain control.

Be mindful of their energy levels and any signs of fatigue.

Exercising my Cavapoo


Many Cavapoos enjoy swimming, which is a low-impact exercise that provides a full-body workout.

If you have access to a safe and controlled water environment, such as a pool or a calm lake, swimming can be an excellent exercise option.

Introduce your dog to water gradually and ensure they are comfortable and confident in the water.

Use a doggie life jacket if necessary, especially for dogs who are not strong swimmers.

Supervise your dog at all times to ensure their safety.


Playing with your Cavapoo is not only a great way to bond with them, but it’s also a great way to get them moving.

Try playing games like fetch, tug-of-war, or hide-and-seek to keep them entertained and active.

Dog Sports

If your Cavapoo is particularly active and loves to compete, then dog sports like agility, flyball, or obedience training can be a great way to challenge them both mentally and physically.

Bear in mind to tailor your Cavapoo’s exercise routine to their individual needs and abilities.

Always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new exercise program, and be sure to monitor your dog’s behavior and adjust their routine as needed.

How Do You Know When Your Cavapoo Has Had Enough Exercise?

It’s up to you to determine when your Cavapoo has had enough exercise to maintain a healthy weight and prevent boredom.

It’s equally important to know when your dog has had enough exercise.

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Excessive panting: If your dog is panting heavily and struggling to catch their breath, it’s a sign that they’re getting tired and need a break. Stop the exercise and give them some water to drink.
  • Slowing down: If your dog starts to slow down or lag behind you during a walk or run, they’re getting tired and need to rest. Don’t force them to keep up with you.
  • Limping or lameness: If your dog starts to limp or show signs of lameness, they may have overexerted themselves. Stop the exercise and check their paws and legs for any injuries.
  • Lack of interest: If your dog starts to lose interest in the activity or stops engaging with you, they may have had enough exercise for the day. It’s important to respect their boundaries and not push them too hard.

Every dog is different and has their own unique exercise needs.

Some Cavapoos may be able to handle longer walks or runs, while others may need shorter, more frequent exercise sessions.

Pay attention to your dog’s behavior and adjust the exercise accordingly.

Remember to always provide plenty of water and rest breaks during exercise, and never push your dog beyond their limits.

Conclusion – Cavapoo Exercise Needs

Owning a Cavapoo is like inviting a whirlwind of joy and energy into your home.

With their irresistible charm and unique blend of characteristics from both Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle parents, these doggie companions also need a consistent outlet for their energy, just like we humans do.

Regular exercise isn’t merely a suggestion for Cavapoos; it’s a critical component of their overall health and happiness.

Remember, their exercise regimen need not be strenuous.

A brisk daily walk, fun-filled playtime, or mentally stimulating puzzle games can all provide your Cavapoo with the physical activity and mental stimulation they crave.

On top of that, mixing up their exercise routine will keep it engaging for both of you.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to tire them out but to enrich their lives through quality play and interaction.

So lace up those walking shoes, dust off that Frisbee, and prepare to step out into the great outdoors.

There’s a whole world of adventure waiting for you and your Cavapoo, full of exciting smells to sniff, sights to see, and paths to explore.

With the right approach to their exercise needs, you’ll not only have a happy, healthy Cavapoo but also a deep, unbreakable bond that will last a lifetime.

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