Cuddle Cavapoo- Do Cavapoos Like To Cuddle?

One of the reasons why Cavapoos are so highly sought after is due to their reputation of being dogs that like to cuddle.
What is a cuddle Cavapoo and do Cavapoos like to cuddle?
- Why Do Cavapoos Like To Cuddle?
- How Do Cavapoos Like To Cuddle?
- How Will You Know If Your Cavapoo Wants To Cuddle?
- Encouraging Your Cavapoo to Cuddle With You
- How To Teach Your Cavapoo To Cuddle
- Will My Cavapoo Sit on My Lap?
- My Cavapoo Used to Cuddle But Now Does Not Want to
- What is a Cuddle Cavapoo?
- Conclusion
Why Do Cavapoos Like To Cuddle?
Cavapoos cuddle together because it helps them stay warm, strengthens their bonds with other members of their family or pack, and causes the production of chemicals and hormones that make them feel happy.
Oxytocin, a feel-good hormone, is released into a dog’s brain when the dog cuddles with a human.
This reinforces the dog’s need for touch as well as the happiness they get from it.
The need to snuggle has its origins in the domestication of dogs, which means that dogs have evolved to be with people.
However, this desire also has to do with a more fundamental evolutionary drive to be in social groups with other dogs.
Wild dogs and young puppies frequently engage in the behavior of snuggling with their litter mates and mother as a means of forming bonds and demonstrating subordination.
Your Cavapoo is demonstrating their utter devotion to you and faith in your partnership whenever they curl up next to you and cuddle.
They are showing how much they love you.
Because of their social nature, dogs communicate their love mostly through physical contact and affection.
To a dog, though, a cuddle can mean something quite different than it does to a human.
It is even possible for it to result in another common canine behavior known as the zoomies.
Some dogs, particularly those who are still young and learning how to play, may find that cuddling is a kind of engagement that stimulates them.
This may result in a period of hyperactivity on the part of your Cavapoo puppy.
Please pay attention to the body language of your dog to determine whether or not they like to be cuddled and how they would like it done.
How Do Cavapoos Like To Cuddle?
Cuddling does not just mean hugging your dog or snuggling into their fur.
Most dogs do not like it when you give them a bear hug and hold on tightly as they feel trapped and unable to escape.
There are different ways that you can cuddle and show affection to your Cavapoo.
Some dogs prefer a good belly rub or a nice scratch behind their ears while others may rest on your lap but do not want to be touched.
The extent to which a dog is willing to be petted and cuddled is mostly determined by their personality.
It’s something that certain dogs enjoy doing more than others.
Even dogs that enjoy being cuddled might not want to be cuddled all the time.
The comfort of your pet should always come before satisfying your own needs.
Do not force your puppy into a position that they are not comfortable with, and watch for any signs of tensing or pinning their ears to know if they are not happy with what you are attempting to do.
Try your best to let your dog lead you into what they are comfortable with.
Cavapoos are so diverse and some of them are total cuddle bugs and cannot get enough of your attention while others are more aloof and want your affection but just in a different way and on their terms.
How Will You Know If Your Cavapoo Wants To Cuddle?
Your dog will let you know when it wants to cuddle.
Bailey (my Cocker Spaniel) comes running to me, stands on her back legs, and places her legs on my thighs.
I then know that she wants a cuddle which I gladly give her and love doing.
Once done then she happily runs away to do whatever she wants to do.
If I want to cuddle and she does not want to and I try to make her then she pulls herself loose and walks away.
I then know to leave her alone.
You will pick up on this as well.
Try to rather let your Cavapoo come to you for a cuddle.
Leave them alone when they are eating, sleeping, exploring, or drinking as these are the times when they generally want to be left alone.
If you are desperate to cuddle your Cavapoo then get down on the ground to their level and call your pup over to you using an excited voice.
This should entice them to come to you.
Try and softly cuddle them and if they seem uncomfortable, not eager, and are trying to escape then rather leave them be and try another time.
Never force it.

Encouraging Your Cavapoo to Cuddle With You
You can encourage your dog to cuddle.
To convince a dog to snuggle with you, you must first establish a trusting and physical bond with them.
It may take time and effort to earn their trust and demonstrate that they can enjoy physical contact.
Even with dogs, cuddling is an intimate experience, so communication and engagement from both of you are essential.
Your dog has to choose to cuddle with you.
How To Teach Your Cavapoo To Cuddle
Most Cavapoos are natural cuddlers and don’t need any excuse to lie and cuddle with you.
But for those that are not, here are some steps you can try to encourage your dog to cuddle with you.
Pick the Right Moment
As mentioned before, your dog will not feel like cuddling when it is trying to eat or drink.
The best times to try and cuddle your pup are when they are tired and sleepy.
Calm Situation
You need to be calm and relaxed when you want to cuddle your pup.
Dogs have an uncanny way of sensing how we are feeling.
So if you are tense and upset then in all likelihood your Cavapoo might not want to cuddle with you.
The same applies to your dog.
If it is feeling hyper and just wants to play and zoom around then that is not the time to try and cuddle them.
Start Small
Some dogs just need to get used to cuddling and touching them.
If your Cavapoo is not a cuddler then baby steps are needed.
Start with a belly rub or scratch behind the ears.
Allow them to lie next to you without touching them.
After a while, rest your hand gently on their back for a short period.
If they are comfortable with that then leave our hand on their body for a longer period.
Some dogs prefer to be touched on different parts of their body.
For example, my dogs do not like me to touch their feet but they love a good belly rub.
Make it a Positive Experience
Reward your dog whenever it does something that pleases you.
The reward can be in the form of treats, a favorite toy or even just spending time with you.
If you shout and moan at your dog when it does not want to come for a cuddle then it will decide that cuddling is a bad experience.
Gently Does it
If your dog never comes on its own for you to cuddle then you may need to gently show it that cuddling is not a bad thing.
Never force it or hold it down.
This will make them never want to come to you.
Try gently picking up your dog and placing them on your lap.
Hold them close to you for a few seconds and see how they behave.
If they tolerate it and are not stressed or trying to run away then hold them for longer.
Patience is the key here.
Try doing this a few times a day until your Cavapoo is totally at ease.
Who knows, they might even surprise you and come for a cuddle on their own.
Leave Them Wanting More
The key is not to overdo it.
Even human children don’t want you to hold them for hours on end.
The same applies to your Cavapoo.
The goal is to want them to cuddle with you so stop before they get tired of you.
This will make them excited to cuddle next time around.

Will My Cavapoo Sit on My Lap?
Cavapoos are very affectionate dogs that love to be with their owners.
Both the Cavalier and the Poodle love to lie on laps and this trait is passed on to the Cavapoo as they also love to sit on your lap and be the center of your attention.
They are classified as lap dogs.
My Cavapoo Used to Cuddle But Now Does Not Want to
There can be two reasons why your Cavapoo no longer wants to cuddle.
- Age – as your dog ages, they just like humans, suffer from aches and pains. They might not be able to handle being picked up and cuddled because it hurts. Have your Vet do an assessment and suggest supplements or pain relief medication to help them cope with their later years.
- Underlying medical condition – any time your dog has a sudden shift of behavior then it warrants a visit to the Vet. If your dog was aloof and is now very cuddly or if they were very cuddly and are now aloof then this is a strong indication of pain.
For both these scenarios please take your dog to the Vet for a thorough examination.
What is a Cuddle Cavapoo?
A Cuddle Cavapoo is simply the largest Cavapoo that you can get.
The parent dogs are a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Standard Poodle or a Moyen Poodle, the largest of all the Poodles.
Because a Standard or Moyen Poodle is used the resulting offspring are much bigger than when a toy or miniature Poodle has been used.
Their muzzles tend to also be longer.
The reason why they are called Cuddle Cavapoos is that because of their larger size, there is more to cuddle.
So, if you are looking for a larger Cavapoo then consider the Cuddle Cavapoo.
A Cavapoo is generally always up for a good cuddle.
Just be observant as to what your dog is presently doing and make sure to let your Cavapoo see you before touching them so that they do not get a fright.